Our goal is to safeguard the habitats of birds throughout the Gulf of Mexico and beyond. The upper Texas coast is the home of the independent, non-profit Gulf Coast Bird Observatory. As a cutting-edge conservation organization, we have designed and carried out a sizable number of key avian conservation projects, including as migratory research, habitat improvement, land purchase, regional habitat mapping, and others. We gather, evaluate, and disseminate excellent data on bird populations and conservation that will serve as a scientific foundation for the defense of birds and their habitats all throughout the Gulf of Mexico and beyond. We use reliable scientific research, land conservation and enhancement, community participation, and educational outreach to carry out our purpose of safeguarding birds and their habitats. The birds! And enjoy the trip to North Ronaldsay bird observatory and Fair Isle bird observatory.

Bird Observatory in Klamath
The Klamath Bird Observatory works to conserve birds in the Pacific Northwest and across the migratory bird species’ ranges. We inform and enhance natural resource management by putting an emphasis on top-notch science and the function of birds as indicators. Given that there are numerous fronts on which conservation takes place, we also foster an environmental ethic through community involvement and education. We credit our accomplishments to the dedicated contributors, volunteers, employees, and partners who show that we can all do our part to leave behind a legacy of thriving bird populations and clean, healthy land, air, and on KBO. The bird observatories council will help you a lot.
Events Have Returned!
Come out to a variety of excursions and Zoom talks with Klamath Bird Observatory. To view our calendar and register for events, click the links KBO

The Benefits of Bird Education
In order to foster a conservation ethic in our communities, Klamath Bird Observatory offers educational programs. We do this because we understand that conservation takes place on many different fronts. Birds are the best gauge of our health. As a result, our educational initiatives help to create a society that safeguards the economic and environmental resources that are vital to both humans and birds. Birdwatchers spend $36 billion a year on their hobby, which is big business. They thereby boost the local economies of the bird-friendly locations they visit. Find out more about the different sponsorship levels. Another great place is flamborough bird observatory and also spurn bird observatory building.
Publication: Conservation of Landbirds and Associated Habitats and Ecosystems in the Oregon and Washington East Cascade Mountains
Altman and Stephens’ updated Partners in Flight Conservation of Landbirds and Associated Habitats and Ecosystems in the East Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington (Altman and Stephens 2022) makes suggestions and offers support for the preservation of landbirds and the habitats and ecosystems they are associated with in the East Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington. It is possible to accomplish broad ecological and restoration goals by using the required habitat characteristics of 24 target species as a conservation strategy. Also it is possible to visit the dungeness bird observatory and have a look on unexpected highlight in a one downstairs bedroom.
Banding of birds in Crater Lake
Tuesday mornings, in collaboration with the National Park Service, KBO welcomes guests to our Crater Lake bird banding station. The next tour is on July 12 at 7:30 a.m. and 9:15 a.m. The entire family should take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to observe migratory songbirds up close and discover more about our extensive bird banding program. Visitors have been able to see the banding procedure for the past five years, which has allowed Crater Lake National Park and KBO to learn important facts about the diversity and abundance of songbird species, the timing of migration, and the productivity of regional breeding birds.
Landbird Population and Habitat Objectives in Western Oregon and Washington’s Prairie
Population and Habitat Objectives for Landbirds in Prairies, Oak, and Riparian Habitats of Western Oregon and Washington (Rockwell et al. 2022), a recently published conservation plan, offers quantitative and multi-scaled population and habitat objectives for 26 focal and seven imperiled bird species. As the plan’s name implies, it concentrates on riparian, oak, and prairie ecosystems in western Oregon and Washington’s Puget Lowlands, Willamette Valley, and Klamath Mountains ecoregions. The Oregon-Washington Chapter of Partners in Flight (PIF), the Pacific Birds Habitat Joint Venture, the Bureau of Land Management, and the United States Forest Service were the recipients of this paper.Learn more
Set of Conservation Stamps
The 2021–2022 conservation science stamp from Klamath Bird Observatory shows our partner Avian Knowledge Network (AKN). The goal of the AKN is to promote a network of individuals, information, and technology to enhance bird management, research, and conservation across organizational borders and geographic scales. Birdwatchers and hunters alike can directly support conservation initiatives that benefit all birds by purchasing this set of conservation stamps.ations subscriber
Sign up to get periodic emails from Klamath Bird Observatory with information about trips, events, press releases, news, and our Klamath Bird e-Newsletter. We appreciate your interest in protecting birds.
Latest Blog Posts
Our Initial Radio Telemetry Year Through automated radio telemetry, BSBO has made significant strides in the past year to further our research and aid in the preservation of birds and their habitats. Now is the ideal opportunity to look back on our first year with this priceless technology as we (and the birds) prepare for the upcoming winter. Blog for Outreach and Education Blog for Bird Banders Crane Creek – A Magee Birding Blog by Kenn Kaufman
Environmental News
The mission of BSBO is centered on conservation. All of our initiatives are meant to increase people’s knowledge of, love for, and importance for protecting bird habitats. Since individuals care more about the things they enjoy, we think that introducing people to the joys of birding is the first step in increasing support for conservation.
Concerned was an approval requirement for the project that called for “feathering,” or turning off, turbines at night for eight months out of the year. The requirement for feathering, which is no longer in place, was put in place to protect birds from being struck by turbines, unless and until post-construction studies could demonstrate that the effects on wildlife are within acceptable bounds. Supporters of the project have launched a campaign to persuade OPSB to lift this restriction in the months since the proposal received approval.
The whole statement can be read here. The BSBO Conservation Committee’s highly qualified experts conducted a thorough examination of a recent study on painting one turbine blade black to see if it will prevent bird crashes, which was published by Ecology and evolution. Read the entire statement from BSBO here. Wind turbine kills a Bald Eagle Ohio’s Bowling Green According to the Black Swamp Bird Observatory of Oak Harbor, Ohio’s first documented bald eagle death from a collision with a sizable wind turbine blade, which happened near Bowling Green in January, raises severe concerns about eagle kills that might be sanctioned.
Special Communications
The BSBO Nature Store is currently closed. Each of us has changed how we live to better protect both ourselves and others. BSBO is also changing. Our employees are working remotely, and until further notice, our Nature Store is not open to walk-in customers. For updates on the reopening of our center and the Nature Store, please like us on Facebook and sign up for our monthly eNews. The best bird apparel, your favorite field guides, and everything BSBO can be found in our online Swamp shop. To remain up to date on the most recent BSBO news, events, and online discounts, subscribe to the eNews.